Saturday, May 4, 2024

EOTO 2 Reax

 Our second EOTO presentations were extremely successful. one group that really stood out to me, was the mediasphere group. These topics really captured my attention and resinated with me. I feel that these topics really demonstrated what we have been learning about all semester. In this post I will reflect on each topic.

Mainstream media (MSM) refers to traditional media outlets such as newspapers, TV channels, and radio stations that have a large audience and are very popular. These outlets are typically seen as reputable sources of news and information, but they can sometimes be accused of bias. MSM plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and informing the masses about current events and important issues.

Alternative media, refers to non-mainstream or independent media outlets that offer an alternative perspective on news and information. These outlets can provide more in-depth coverage of certain topics that may be overlooked by mainstream media. Alternative media sources can include blogs, podcasts, and online news sites that offer an "unpopular" or different viewpoint.
An echo chamber is where individuals surround themselves with like-minded people and information. This reinforces their existing beliefs and viewpoints. This can lead to a distortion of reality and a lack of exposure to diverse perspectives. Social media platforms and online communities can often serve as echo chambers, as users tend to follow and interact with others who share their opinions and beliefs. 
A whistleblower is an individual who exposes wrongdoing or illegal activities within an organization or government entity. Whistleblowers play a vital role in holding powerful institutions accountable and shining a light on corruption or misconduct. They often face backlash and retaliation for speaking out, but their actions can lead to positive change and increased transparency.

Online influencers are individuals who have a large following on social media platforms and have the ability to sway opinions and behavior. These influencers can promote products, services, and ideas to their audience, often in exchange for payment or free merchandise. Brands often collaborate with influencers to reach a specific target market and increase their visibility and credibility.

Citizen journalism refers to the practice of ordinary citizens gathering and reporting news and information, often using social media platforms. Citizen journalists can play a crucial role in providing firsthand accounts of events and breaking news stories in areas where traditional media outlets may not have a presence. Citizen journalism can help to democratize the news-gathering process and provide a more diverse range of perspectives on important issues.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Final Post

As a nineteen year old college student, my relationship with technology is a huge part of my daily life. I use social media to stay connected with friends and family. I also rely on online databases to do research for my classes. Technology is involved in almost everything I do, but I wonder - is my relationship with technology a good one?

I have to admit that I spend a lot of time on my phone and computer each day. I find myself scrolling through social media, watching videos on Instagram, and streaming shows, movies, and music for hours on end. While these things can be fun and sometimes helpful, I know that I could be using my time more wisely. I realize that I need to find a balance between using technology for entertainment and using it for more important things like studying.

I also worry about how reliable the information I find online really is. With so much fake news and misinformation out there, it's hard to know what to believe. I try to be careful about what I read and always double-check the facts before I trust something I see online. Even though technology has given me access to a wealth of information, I know that I need to be cautious about where that information is coming from.

One major concern that has risen in the past few years, is the rise of artificial intelligence. With the rise of AI, more and more of my privacy is being violated and used to strengthen this new revelation. Companies like Google and Facebook are using my personal information and selling it to marketing agencies. They also use it to strengthen the abilities of AI.

With these new advancements, it has become apparent that i need to learn how to protect my information and learn how to be a safe and smart user. Learning about digital footprints is crucial to ensure that I am being smart online. Remembering that once it is online it will be there forever. Nothing ever goes away when it is put online.

I do worry about the negative effects of technology on my life, but I also realize that it's just a part of the world we live in now. It's nearly impossible to escape technology in today's society. Everything from shopping, to communicating with friends is done online. Technology is everywhere, and I have to learn to navigate it in a way that works for me.

Technology has undeniably made my life easier and more convenient in many ways. From helping me stay connected with loved ones to providing valuable resources for my education, technology has enhanced so many aspects of my life. As a college student, I must acknowledge the countless opportunities and benefits that technology has brought into my life. Linkedin being an example of this. It has opened up new possibilities and connected me to a world of information and experiences that I wouldn't have access to without. 

In the end, I think my relationship with technology is mostly a positive one. By being mindful of how I use it and making an effort to limit its negative impact, I can continue to benefit from all the ways technology helps me. As long as I stay informed about the dangers of technology and make smart choices about how I use it, I know I can have a healthy relationship with technology in the future.

Age of AI

 "The Age of AI" is a super interesting documentary that looks at how artificial intelligence is changing our lives in a bunch of different ways. The host, Robert Downey Jr., talks about how AI is impacting industries, economies, and even our concept of what it means to be human.

I was really struck by how AI is being used in healthcare to predict disease outbreaks, diagnose illnesses, and come up with personalized treatment plans. It's not only helping patients, but also making healthcare more affordable and fair.

In transportation, AI is being used to make things like self-driving cars and hyperloop systems, which could help cut down on traffic and make our cities cleaner and safer.

But there are also some serious issues to consider. AI in law enforcement, for example, raises questions about privacy and bias. And as AI gets more advanced, there could be a lot of people losing their jobs, which could make income inequality worse.

Watching "The Age of AI" has made me realize the importance of regulating AI and thinking carefully about how we use it. We need to stay informed, ask questions, and talk to experts and policymakers to make sure AI is used for good and follows our values.

As we keep moving into the digital age, it's crucial that we approach AI with caution and thoughtfulness. "The Age of AI" reminds us to be careful, curious, and responsible in how we engage with new technologies.

AI is revolutionizing our world in many positive ways, but it also poses significant ethical and societal challenges that must be addressed. The documentary highlights the potential of AI to transform industries and improve efficiency, but it also warns of the potential risks and consequences if it is not properly regulated.

By addressing these complex issues and we can regulate the power of AI and gear it more for a positive change. "The Age of AI" serves as a reminder that as we embrace new technologies, we must also be mindful of the potential risks and ethical implications. It is up to us to shape the future of AI in a way that aligns with our values and priorities and make sure that AI serves the greater good of society.


 The United States government finds itself entangled in military operations across the globe, from the Middle East to Africa to Asia. American troops are consistently deployed in conflicts that show no signs of resolution. Mainstream news outlets cover these military endeavors, often echoing the government's stance pertaining to their view of events. However, if you dive deeper into the internet, you may stumble upon websites like ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative, where writers very strongly oppose war and criticize the government's military actions.

It is surprising to see the absence of these antiwar voices in mainstream news. This leads us to question why so many strong antiwar opinions are being pushed to the sidelines on the internet rather than being given a platform in traditional media. The lack of representation of these perspectives raises concerns about the variety of opinions being presented to the public and the potential influence of mainstream news in shaping public opinion on war and conflict.

ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative offer alternative viewpoints that challenge the predominant narrative surrounding American military interventions. They question the reasons for war, emphasize the human toll of conflicts, and advocate for peaceful resolutions to global issues. These voices present a counterbalance to the pro-war rhetoric often found in mainstream media, offering a much needed perspective that is frequently overlooked.

Regardless of the reasons, the presence of these alternative voices reminds us of the importance of seeking out diverse perspectives and critically assessing the information we receive. In a world marked by war and conflict that continues to devastate communities and destabilize regions, it is vital to listen to dissenting voices that challenge mainstream narratives and promote peaceful resolutions.

By engaging with platforms like ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative, we are exposed to a range of opinions and perspectives that are often excluded. These alternative voices force us to confront uncomfortable truths about the consequences of war and the motives behind military interventions. They provide a necessary check on the power of governments and mainstream media. They offer a platform for marginalized viewpoints.

The presence of these antiwar voices exposes the limitations of traditional news outlets in providing a  balanced view of global conflicts. By relying solely on mainstream sources, we risk overlooking key details and alternative perspectives. It is essential to seek out diverse sources of information and critically evaluate the narratives presented to us in order to form a more informed and intelligent opinions on international affairs.

False Flag

False flag is a deceptive tactic that is used by governments and spy agencies to deceive and manipulate. This has been an extremely controversial topic throughout history. One of the most infamous instances of a false flag operation was the Gulf of Tonkin incident during the Vietnam War. This was where the US government falsely claimed to have been attacked in order to justify military action. This deception led to widespread controversy and raised questions about the government's honesty and trustworthiness.

In more recent times, there have been suspicions that some terrorist attacks may have been orchestrated or manipulated by governments as a way to further their own agendas. This notion has only added fuel to the fire of skepticism surrounding false flag operations and has caused many to question the motives and actions of those in power.

Proponents of false flag operations argue that in certain situations, these tactics are necessary to protect national security and ensure the safety of the country. They believe that in the face of imminent threats, deception and manipulation may be the only way to get rid of danger and keep enemies at bay. However, critics of false flag operations argue that when governments resort to lying and deceit, it undermines the very foundation of democracy and erodes public trust in those in positions of authority.

The debate surrounding false flag operations forces us to confront difficult questions about authenticity, integrity, and trust in our leaders. It challenges us to critically analyze the information we are given and to hold those in power accountable for their actions. In a world where misinformation and deception are rampant, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and discerning in order to ensure that those in positions of authority are acting in the best interests of the people they serve.

The prevalence of false flag operations underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in government. It reminds us that in a democracy, the power ultimately lies in the hands of the people, and it is up to us to demand honesty and integrity from our leaders. By questioning the narratives we are presented with and holding those in power to the highest standards of honesty and accountability, we can work towards a more just and equal society for all.

The concept of false flag operations serves as a reminder that trust is fragile, especially when it comes to matters of national security and foreign policy. It reminds us that as citizens, we must remain critical of the information that is presented to us, and not blindly accept everything we are told by those in power.

The prevalence of false flag operations raises important ethical questions about the use of deception and manipulation by governments. How far is too far when it comes to protecting national security? Is it ever acceptable to deceive the public in order to achieve a desired outcome? These are complex and challenging questions that require careful consideration and introspection.

The controversy surrounding false flag operations serves as a reminder of the complex and often blurred world of international politics and espionage. It highlights the need for transparency, accountability, and a strong commitment to democratic principles in order to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens around the world. By holding our leaders accountable, we can work towards a more just and transparent society where the truth is valued above all else.

Diffusion Theory

 The rapid rise of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has been motivated by their ability to fulfill the basic human need for social connection. When viewed through the lens of Diffusion Theory, it has become clear why these platforms have gained widespread adoption.

One key reason for the quick adoption of social media is the plethora of features they offer, such as photo and video sharing, connecting with friends and family, and staying informed on various topics. These various functions make social media appealing to users who value staying connected and up to date.

Early adopters of social media often see it as a valuable tool that enhances their social lives and allows them to easily communicate with others worldwide. Some people may be hesitant to join social media due to concerns about privacy and security. It can cause people to feel overwhelmed by the information overload. Some of the older generations simply prefer the more traditional forms of communication. There are even people from younger generations who decide not to participate due to the stress and addiction related to social media.

Despite the benefits of social media, there are downsides and tradeoffs to consider. It has been proven to be extremely addictive, leading to excessive screen time and can cause people to neglect other aspects of their life. It can also contribute to feelings of loneliness and disconnection, despite having numerous online connections, not to mention the rise of cyberbullying. Although more and more negative outcomes keep presenting themselves, people are unwilling to give up social media. The kids that are being cyberbullied cant help but look online. This is due to the fact that social media is a drug and every single one of us is addicted.

Personally, I have chosen not to engage with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok due to privacy concerns. I also merely lack the desire to participate in some of these trends. While I understand the benefits of staying connected and informed through social media, I believe the drawbacks pertaining to these platforms outweigh the positives. I do participate in Instagram and LinkedIn so that I may search for potential employment.  


The increased use of phone surveillance in today's society has become a major concern for many. As technology advances, it gives governments, corporations, and even individuals the ability to track our every move through our phones. While some surveillance may be for legitimate reasons like national security or law enforcement, the invasion of our privacy raises important ethical questions.

One major issue with phone surveillance is that there is a lack of transparency in how our data is being collected and used. Many tech companies are gathering our personal information without us even knowing. This includes, but is not limited to, our location, contacts, messages, and even our browsing history. 

The impact of this invasion of privacy is huge. When people feel like they are always being watched, they may start censoring themselves, which can have a negative impact on free speech. This can severely affect a democratic society, where expressing oneself freely is crucial for a healthy public discussion, (as discussed in my previous post on speech theories). 

 Phone surveillance can harm our mental health and well-being. Continuous surveillance can make individuals paranoid and anxious. This is due to the fact that everything we do is being monitored. This can cause stress, higher levels, and even depression in some cases. Furthermore, the fear of being watched can hinder individuals' ability to connect with others genuinely, as they may always feel the need to watch their words and actions.

The issue of phone surveillance brings up concerns about consent and control over our personal data. Many people are unaware of the extent of data being collected and used by tech companies and government agencies. Individuals are most likely to have agreed to terms and conditions. This allows their data to be collected and shared without understanding the full consequences of what they just gave consent to. 

Phone surveillance and the invasion of privacy are serious issues that can affect individuals, society, and democracy. It's crucial for individuals to understand how their data is being collected and used. It is also important to push for more transparency and accountability from those surveilling them. By addressing these issues, we can ensure a fair, just, and free society for all.

In conclusion, as our reliance on technology continues to grow, the issue of phone surveillance becomes more pressing than ever. It is important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and consequences of constant monitoring. Transparency and accountability are key in ensuring that our privacy is respected and protected. By advocating for our rights to privacy, we can work towards a future where individuals can feel secure in their personal information and free from the invasive eye of surveillance. People would feel much safer if they did not think that big brother was truly watching. It is only through these actions that we can strive for a society that values autonomy, freedom, and respect for individual privacy.

EOTO 2 Reax

 Our second EOTO presentations were extremely successful. one group that really stood out to me, was the mediasphere group. These topics rea...