Thursday, April 25, 2024

Final Post

As a nineteen year old college student, my relationship with technology is a huge part of my daily life. I use social media to stay connected with friends and family. I also rely on online databases to do research for my classes. Technology is involved in almost everything I do, but I wonder - is my relationship with technology a good one?

I have to admit that I spend a lot of time on my phone and computer each day. I find myself scrolling through social media, watching videos on Instagram, and streaming shows, movies, and music for hours on end. While these things can be fun and sometimes helpful, I know that I could be using my time more wisely. I realize that I need to find a balance between using technology for entertainment and using it for more important things like studying.

I also worry about how reliable the information I find online really is. With so much fake news and misinformation out there, it's hard to know what to believe. I try to be careful about what I read and always double-check the facts before I trust something I see online. Even though technology has given me access to a wealth of information, I know that I need to be cautious about where that information is coming from.

One major concern that has risen in the past few years, is the rise of artificial intelligence. With the rise of AI, more and more of my privacy is being violated and used to strengthen this new revelation. Companies like Google and Facebook are using my personal information and selling it to marketing agencies. They also use it to strengthen the abilities of AI.

With these new advancements, it has become apparent that i need to learn how to protect my information and learn how to be a safe and smart user. Learning about digital footprints is crucial to ensure that I am being smart online. Remembering that once it is online it will be there forever. Nothing ever goes away when it is put online.

I do worry about the negative effects of technology on my life, but I also realize that it's just a part of the world we live in now. It's nearly impossible to escape technology in today's society. Everything from shopping, to communicating with friends is done online. Technology is everywhere, and I have to learn to navigate it in a way that works for me.

Technology has undeniably made my life easier and more convenient in many ways. From helping me stay connected with loved ones to providing valuable resources for my education, technology has enhanced so many aspects of my life. As a college student, I must acknowledge the countless opportunities and benefits that technology has brought into my life. Linkedin being an example of this. It has opened up new possibilities and connected me to a world of information and experiences that I wouldn't have access to without. 

In the end, I think my relationship with technology is mostly a positive one. By being mindful of how I use it and making an effort to limit its negative impact, I can continue to benefit from all the ways technology helps me. As long as I stay informed about the dangers of technology and make smart choices about how I use it, I know I can have a healthy relationship with technology in the future.

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