Saturday, May 4, 2024

EOTO 2 Reax

 Our second EOTO presentations were extremely successful. one group that really stood out to me, was the mediasphere group. These topics really captured my attention and resinated with me. I feel that these topics really demonstrated what we have been learning about all semester. In this post I will reflect on each topic.

Mainstream media (MSM) refers to traditional media outlets such as newspapers, TV channels, and radio stations that have a large audience and are very popular. These outlets are typically seen as reputable sources of news and information, but they can sometimes be accused of bias. MSM plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and informing the masses about current events and important issues.

Alternative media, refers to non-mainstream or independent media outlets that offer an alternative perspective on news and information. These outlets can provide more in-depth coverage of certain topics that may be overlooked by mainstream media. Alternative media sources can include blogs, podcasts, and online news sites that offer an "unpopular" or different viewpoint.
An echo chamber is where individuals surround themselves with like-minded people and information. This reinforces their existing beliefs and viewpoints. This can lead to a distortion of reality and a lack of exposure to diverse perspectives. Social media platforms and online communities can often serve as echo chambers, as users tend to follow and interact with others who share their opinions and beliefs. 
A whistleblower is an individual who exposes wrongdoing or illegal activities within an organization or government entity. Whistleblowers play a vital role in holding powerful institutions accountable and shining a light on corruption or misconduct. They often face backlash and retaliation for speaking out, but their actions can lead to positive change and increased transparency.

Online influencers are individuals who have a large following on social media platforms and have the ability to sway opinions and behavior. These influencers can promote products, services, and ideas to their audience, often in exchange for payment or free merchandise. Brands often collaborate with influencers to reach a specific target market and increase their visibility and credibility.

Citizen journalism refers to the practice of ordinary citizens gathering and reporting news and information, often using social media platforms. Citizen journalists can play a crucial role in providing firsthand accounts of events and breaking news stories in areas where traditional media outlets may not have a presence. Citizen journalism can help to democratize the news-gathering process and provide a more diverse range of perspectives on important issues.

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EOTO 2 Reax

 Our second EOTO presentations were extremely successful. one group that really stood out to me, was the mediasphere group. These topics rea...