Wednesday, March 27, 2024

EOTO Reflection

Our recent EOTO presentation was a  success as we dived deeper into the fascinating evolution of communication technologies throughout history. By analyzing how these advancements have shaped our society, we were able to gain a deeper understanding of their impact on our everyday lives. My presentation focused on the history of the first motion picture, a topic that I had previously explored in my blog.  

One of the key communication technologies we discussed was the telephone, a groundbreaking invention by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. Initially intended to help the deaf communicate, the telephone revolutionized long-distance communication and paved the way for future innovations in the field. 

We also touched upon the invention of the cassette tape by the Phillips company in 1970. With its magnetic spools that could wind and record music, the cassette tape became a popular medium for music lovers. The introduction of the Sony Walkman further revolutionized the way people could listen to music on the go, making it a portable and convenient option. 

Another milestone in communication technology was the invention of the first email in 1975, created by Ray Tomlinson. This development laid the foundation for modern email communication and revolutionized the way people could correspond over long distances. 

The introduction of the iPhone in late June 2007 marked a significant shift in how we interact with communication technologies. Developed by Steve Jobs, the iPhone was a game-changer in the mobile phone industry, offering users an all-in-one device that was not only easy to carry around but also packed with a range of features that revolutionized the way we communicate. 

Overall, our EOTO presentation provided us with valuable insights into how communication technologies have evolved over centuries, shaping the way we interact and communicate with one another. It was a truly enlightening experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from my peers' presentations as well.

EOTO Motion Picture

“While Thomas Edison and the Lumière brothers dominated the headlines for inventing the equipment which made the moving image possible, Louis Le Prince preceded them by a number of years with a working model which captured motion outside his home in Roundhay, Leeds.”

Louis Le Prince was a french artist and the inventor of the first motion picture camera. He is believed to be the first to shoot a moving picture sequence using only a strip of film and a single lens. 

The first film ever made was the Roundhay Garden Scene. This was a short silent film that was created and directed by Prince in his backyard. People all over the world were trying to create films after the release of this motion picture. Movies started out silent, short, and black and white. To incorporate dialogue, they would have a written slide pop up in between scenes. 

On October 6th, 1927, the first talking picture was made.The Warner Brothers released the Jazz Singer. “The first feature-length film to incorporate synchronized sound for sequences of dialogue. Though these sequences were limited and brief, hearing the voices of the film's stars was a revelation for audiences.” While this film was revolutionary in the cinema industry, there is a lot of controversy about the movie today. The main character, Jack Robin, uses blackface during a broadway stage act. This was not an uncommon practice in films of this time. The film was actually viewed as comedic and people loved it. This film went on to be referenced in several other films that followed, such as Singing in the Rain. 

“The first film to be filmed in natural color is A Visit to the Seaside, a short which used the Kinemacolor process with red and green alternating filters. The first full-length feature film in color is The World, The Flesh and the Devil, also using the Kinemacolor process” Although color film was invented before the talking picture, most people could not afford colored televisions. The films were primarily made in black and white.

The Wizard Of Oz is commonly mistaken for the first color film. It was, however, the first film to transition between black and white and color. It revolutionized the way color film was used for future movies. The film used color for plot purposes and to distinguish setting. The black and white showed the dullness of Dorothy's life in Kansas, whereas the color showed the magical land of Oz.

While the film industry completely revolutionized entertainment, there were some negative impacts. One of these is the impact on live theater. Before people went to the movie theaters, people got their entertainment from going to see plays, ballets, musicals, and operas. Once the movie theaters opened, the desire to go see live performances decreased. This put many actors out of jobs because the demand for live performances became lower and lower. 

The invention of the motion picture was not only revolutionary to the entertainment industry, but to communication as a whole. It is because of this invention that we are able to access televised news and remain up to date on current events. This invention has completely shifted and changed the way we function as a society. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Speech Theories

 There are eight key values of free expression. These are theories or philosophies that help determine the true meaning behind the first amendment. They allow us to think critically about how important our first amendment rights are and how crucial it is to ensure that the government does not infringe upon them. Of all eight speech theories, three of them are extremely relevant in today's society.  

The first is the theory of stable change, by Benedict Spinoza. “It has been suggested that a society in which angry and alienated citizens are allowed to speak their mind, or "vent," will be more stable, as people will be less likely to resort to violence.  It has also been pointed out that allowing the alienated and discontented to speak freely enables government to better monitor potentially dangerous groups who would otherwise act more clandestinely. Ultimately, it is in the government's own self-interest to allow such venting.” I feel that this is extremely important to us as American citizens because it allows us to criticize the government. Without the freedom to express hate speech, it prevents us from holding the government accountable. It enables us to protect our first amendment rights. Without the ability to vent, there would be even more riots and it would create alienated citizens.

The next speech theory that resonates with me is individual self fulfillment, by C. Edwin Baker. “Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech"

  Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity — and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy.” Without the first amendment, we would not have the freedoms to participate in activities that allow us to express ourselves. This falls under the freedom of and from religion clauses. Choosing to participate in whichever religion you desire can allow people to feel in touch with their spiritual selves. Choosing not to be associated with religion can have the exact same effect.

The third and final speech theory is the promote tolerance theory by Lee Bollinger. “It has been argued that freedom of speech, especially through our  practice of extending protection to speech that we find hateful or personally upsetting, teaches us to become more tolerant in other aspects of life — and that a more tolerant society is a better society. Somewhat counter-intuitive, the First Amendment protects hate speech because society learns valuable lessons from, including why it is hateful and worthy of condemnation. It’s how we spread norms about acceptable behavior.” This theory strongly relates to the stable change theory. The first amendment helps prevent alienation and allows for a more tolerant society. Not allowing citizens to vent, express their opinions freely, and speak out against the government will cause those who do to be considered outcasts. People would not feel that they are free to speak their minds and it would cause riots and could cause people to try to overthrow the government.

These Speech theories help us to establish speech ethics and hold the government, and others accountable for their speech. Having the right to free speech is a blessing that people take for granted everyday. These theories help make understanding of why these rights are so important to us as US citizens.

Supreme Court Video

Before watching the Supreme Court video, I had little knowledge about the inner workings of the court. The video shed light on the daily routines of the judges as well as discussing their lengthy terms in office. Although the experience of a justice can be valuable, there is a concern about potential biases from justices serving for extended periods of time.

The video stressed the significance of comprehending the Supreme Court's operations and its role in protecting our rights. I was intrigued by the chief justice's rule to ensure orderly conversations by allowing everyone to speak before moving on. This structure keeps discussions organized and focused on important issues.

Overall, the video shed light on the crucial role of the Supreme Court in upholding checks and balances within our government. They determine how constitutional the action taken by other branches are. The court plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of our democracy and protecting our rights.

In addition to this, the video highlighted the importance of the nomination and confirmation process for Supreme Court justices. It emphasized the impact that it can have on the direction of the court and the interpretation of the law and legal system. The video also discussed the significance of diversity on the court, with justices bringing various backgrounds and perspectives to the table.

One aspect that stood out to me was the concept of judicial independence. Justices are expected to make decisions based on the law and the Constitution, rather than personal beliefs or political pressures. This independence ensures that the court remains impartial and fair in its rulings.

In conclusion, the Supreme Court video provided me with a deeper understanding of the inner workings of our highest court and the important role it plays in our government. It highlighted the complexities and challenges that justices face, as well as the impact of their decisions on our society. I now have a greater appreciation for the work of the Supreme Court and the crucial role it plays in upholding the principles of our democracy.

Top 5 News Platforms

    The first amendment protects our right to speak, assembly, practice religion, and press. As citizens of the United States of America, we must keep up with current events to ensure that our rights are not being infringed upon by the government. It is very important to protect our first amendment rights. Remaining up to date with the news is almost essential nowadays. Having several different sources of news can help to eliminate bias and find the underlying truth. Five sources that I like to use are Apple News, Fox News, CNN, Google News, and Instagram.

Apple News:

As a college student, I rely on Apple News to stay informed and engaged with the world. This app gives me notifications and access to quick news. It is very user-friendly and I can easily access breaking stories and important developments, even when my schedule is busy. I do not always have time to research the accuracy of FOX or CNN, so this is a real time saver. It filters stories from both sides so I am confident that I am viewing unbiased material. 

Fox News:

Fox News, widely recognized as one of the largest national news channels, delivers information and updates with a distinct conservative republican slant. Despite its clearly biased approach, tuning into Fox News provides me with the opportunity to gain insight and perspectives from one side of the political spectrum, allowing me to effectively analyze and contrast their viewpoints with those of the democratic party.


CNN is a major national news outlet that gives a voice to liberal and democratic viewpoints. Their reporting is known for sharing insights that align with these beliefs. As a college student who wants to stay informed, I make sure to read news from a variety of sources, even those with a left-leaning bias. This helps me form my own opinions and see different perspectives from both sides of the political spectrum. I believe that the truth lies somewhere in the middle of conflicting sides.

Google News:

As a college student, Google news is a crucial tool for me to broaden my understanding. I contains very diverse and thoroughly researched content. Its impartiality sets it apart from other news sources, offering a variety of perspectives and a higher level of trustworthiness. When conducting research, I often use Google news to double-check and validate information from other sources. It not only helps me fact-check but also provides a wealth of resources for my academic projects.


Instagram is not typically seen as a traditional news source, but it can still provide valuable insights and updates on current events. I follow various influencers and news accounts that offer a unique perspective on trending topics. It is important to diversify news sources in order to obtain a well-rounded understanding of current events. Using Instagram as a news tool allows me to stay informed in a more engaging way. By incorporating Instagram into my news routine, I am able to stay informed and engaged with the world around me.

EOTO 2 Reax

 Our second EOTO presentations were extremely successful. one group that really stood out to me, was the mediasphere group. These topics rea...